Badlands of Castilléjar and Galera
Badlands landscape.
This is the most significant landscape of the North Granada valleys and are typical to this area. They are characterised by a complex and dense network of gullies, producing hills that look as if they have been cut open with a sharp knife. The badlands development is related to climate and lithology (type of rock).
CLIMATE: although badlands are found in areas with different climates, they are frequently in arid and sub arid regions with scarce vegetation. Under these circumstances, there is no permanent soil development, and erosion is favoured.
ROCK: preferential lithologies are sedimentary rocks with low resistance to erosion which, in general, have high contents of clay (lutites and marlstones).
Location info
- Municipio: Castilléjar y Galera
- Superficie: 7100 ha
- Periodo: Quaternary (Actually)