Cerro del Buitre
The walk crosses forests and meadows in which the griffon vulture inhabits and crowns one of the highest levels in the territory of the park Pico del Buitre (2020 m).
You can reach Collado del Laude by car and park it there. At km. 4 of the A-326 (Pozo Alcón – Huéscar) turn right on the camino de los Madroñales. At the first crossroad turn left and at the second one, right. After getting the cortijo de los Quemados you will reach the top of Collado del Laude.
At the beginning you will find an information panel and see the path starting to rise through a lowland area until you arrive to a thick pine forest.
Walking the course of the ravine you will arrive to Collado de Poyo Ramos with very strange rocks created by the water erosion.
Keep walking until you arrive to the high mountain meadows where you can find snow during the winter. After the small hut, used by the shepherds as a shelter, you will reach prados del Buitre.
Once on the top you will enjoy beautyful views from the Sagra, Castril and Sierra Seca.
We can descend on the other side and reach the shelter again. Below, we find a detour that allows us to reach the starting point through a more rocky area.
Location info
- Municipios: Castril
- Inicio: Collado del Laude
- Final: Collado del Laude
- Longitud del recorrido: 10.8 Km
- Duración estimada: 5 hours
- Desnivel máximo positivo: 622 m