Geopark Granada
Active Tourism (4×4 and Trekking) in the Gorafe Desert
We have prepared specially designed routes to offer breathtaking landscapes and provide information, with constantly updated content, about the landscape, cultural, and geological aspects of the entire Hoya de Guadix-Baza.
With GeoparkGranada, you will discover the Gorafe Desert, “Los Coloraos,” and the Megalithic Park of Gorafe.
Our excursions do not offer tedious information filled with data and numbers; instead, we help you understand, observe, and recognize fossils, minerals, deserts, traces of ancient earthquakes unique worldwide, ancient necropolises, archaeological and paleontological sites, and landscapes that will surprise you.
Location info
- Municipio: Gorafe
- Comarca: Guadix
- Dirección: Calle San Marcos nº 22, Gorafe, Granada.
- Teléfono: +34 608 17 37 06
- Mail: miguel@geoparkgranada.com
- Sitio web: http://www.geoparkgranada.com/