Travertines of the Baños de Alicún (Villanueva de las Torres)
What is the origin of the Baños de alicún de las Torres hot springs?
Infiltration of rain water recharge the aquifer. Water is geothermally heated at depth, and flow upwards throghough the fault zone.
Hidrogeological research show that Alicún de las Torres thermal waters mainly come from the Sierra de Baza carbonate aquifer and, to a lesser degree, with influence of waters coming from the Mencal aquifer. Scientists estimate that the aquifer is located to a minimum depth of 650-800 metres, with a temperature of 56ºC.
The depth water flows throghough the fault zone (permeable crushed rocks) reaching surface at 35ºC.
Location info
- Municipio: Villanueva de las Torres
- Superficie: 16 ha
- Periodo: Quaternary (upper Pleistocene superior-actually)