Tutugi Necropolis (Galera)
Together with the Cerro del Real site, it forms part of the Ibero-Roman city of Tútugi. The necropolis has been known at the archaeological level since 1920.
The tumular complex of Tútugi, probably one of the largest of the Iberian world, contains more than one hundred tombs, varied as much in the their building structure as in the quality of their dowries. It was here that the famous alabaster statuette of a divinity known as the Lady of Galera appeared. Near the city of Tútugi and its necropolis are a number of small sanctuaries where some type of ritual was performed.
Visits for students, the scientific community and groups of visitors are conducted daily.
Location info
- Municipio: Galera
- Dirección: Carretera Riego Nuevo, S/N, 18840
- Teléfono: 958 73 92 76
Cultural offer:
- Geoeducación
- Geoturismo
- Investigación
- Docencia
- Ecoturismo
- Turismo cultural