By everyone for everyone
Responsibility for the management and coordination of the Geopark lies with the Coordinating Committee of the Granada Geopark project, made up of the representatives of the institutional, socioeconomic and scientific agents involved in the project, through an agreement signed on 7 November 2017 and its amendment addendum dated 31 October 2018.
Coordinating Committee
The Coordinating Committee is a participatory management structure made up of representatives of the entities that are signatories to the coordination protocol. The Coordinating Committee is supported by the Technical Committee and the Scientific, Socioeconomic and Institutional Working Groups.
The Coordinating Committee is chaired by the President of the Provincial Council (Diputación) of Granada. In addition, the Provincial Council of Granada occupies the technical secretariat of this committee. The Rural Working Groups, as territorial entities running the development programmes in the area, are responsible for the administration of the Geopark project.

Scientific Committee
The Geopark has a consolidated scientific working group, consisting of researchers of recognised standing with extensive experience in projects and scientific research on the subject.
This working group has the task of advising, coordinating and promoting actions related to research, analysis, study, dissemination and scientific knowledge connected with the project.
It has been conducting its actions since 2015 and has participated actively in the proposal to define the scope of this project and in the scientific studies that endorse the exceptional nature of the territory.

Working Groups
The Granada Geopark project is a supramunicipal local development initiative based on the exceptional value of the area’s geological heritage and cultural and natural resources and carried out with a methodology of cooperation and participation of all the agents of the local population. It is a project on which the territory started working in 2002 and since then it has received increasing institutional, economic and social support.
The Geopark is the result of a formal, public, organized process to promote the participation and collaboration of all the territorial agents involved in it: Provincial Council of Granada, Regional Government of Andalusia, town and city councils and local organizations, associations of local authorities, consortiums, local development groups, the public and civil society, economic sectors and collaborating scientific institutions (Geological and Mining Institute of Spain [IGME], University of Granada, University of Jaen).
The organization and coordination of the territorial agents has been accomplished by creating the Working Groups representing the areas that affect the Geopark.